Teams in Place

COVID-19 has changed how schools will be looking and operating as we start a new school year. Our Saviour Early Childhood has always made health and safety a priority, but we are now doubling down on our efforts to ensure not only the health of our students, but also of their families, our staff and their families. 

As you know, COVID-19 is a highly contagious virus that has the potential to infect numerous people who share the same space for more than a few minutes. Although current research indicates that young children tend to have milder cases of the virus, they can still spread the illness to their families, teachers and other adults. Many of these adults may fall into one or more of the risk categories for serious complications: being elderly, obese, immunocompromised, or having a health condition such as asthma or diabetes.  So even though the odds are low that our students will become seriously ill at school, they could still be an asymptomatic carrier of the virus and risk making your family members, our teachers, and their families very sick.

In order to keep everyone healthy and safe in these changing times, we have put a number of teams in place to assess how we can best continue to maintain the safety and well being of everyone in our school environment.

These teams include:

  • Scheduling - To minimize contact between classrooms, we are planning a staggered schedule, with each class starting and ending their day at separate times. Each class will enjoy a full day’s worth of learning and playing.

  • Building Entry and Exit - This team will establish guidelines for safe entry to and exit from the building for all of our families and staff. These guidelines will include daily recorded health checks for everyone entering the school.

  • Room Environment - This team will ensure that each classroom will be an inspiring and enriching environment while still allowing safe social distancing when appropriate (e.g., during meals, bathroom visits, and rest time) between students and staff.

  • Instruction - Our Educational Directors are creating an instruction plan that will help your children get the most out of their learning experience, whether that learning is full- time in school, fully remote, or a blended in-person/remote schedule.

  • Custodial -  From regular wiping down of frequently touched surfaces to daily deep cleaning using state-of-the-art electrostatic sprayers, we are working to ensure that the building remains a safe place to be and learn.