PRE-K For All and 3k For all
Registration Forms
Please download one each of the following Forms:
1. Health Examination Form
2. Pre-K Registration Checklist
3. Getting to Know Your Child
4. Emergency Card
5. CACFP Application
6. Lead Risk Assessment
and, choose one of the Pre-K/3K registration packets below:
Returning Students - Fill out these forms ONLY if you are going from 3K to Pre-K within the SAME school
*When registering, please make sure you have the following documents
*License or Passport
*Two Proofs of Address (Example: ConEdison Bill, Cable Bill, Gas Bill or Lease Bill)
*Immunization Record
Applicable only if parent is subletting an apartment or home, or family shares a living space, and they are not the primary leaseholder or homeowner
Parent and primary leaseholder must sign
Form must be notarized
Attach 3 proofs of address of primary leaseholder
Lease/deed MUST be at least 1 of these proofs
and, choose one of the forms below: