Tutoring Help for any existing OSEC after-school family.

A free support system for our after-school students

Our Saviour Early Childhood invites all of our families who may need help with homework or projects that the public schools are giving or you just need some support yourselves in getting things done.

We know how overwhelming this must be for you and want to lend a hand.

Each session will be for 25 minutes and it will be done on a platform that makes sense for your family. As an example, some may like Zoom, other Google Hangout or Meets, some may want FaceTime, or some other platform. We will do our best to meet you on a system you may already have.

The best part of this, it is FREE!

Why? Our Saviour was lucky enough to participate in the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) which I am sure you have all heard of. If not, then please google that and read about it for in-depth details.

Basically, the Government wants us to keep staff employed as does OSEC! So we were awarded a loan (some say grant) that allows us to do just that.

We want to use that funding to then support our families during this time. Pay it forward!

Please fill out the form below to join us in May and June.

This form is not a time slot sign up but an interest form so we know who to contact with the next steps.

As always thank you for all that you do for your children and for being with us this year.